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Yumi Kato


Braga town in inland Borneo, Malaysia, September 2018 (photo by Yumi Kato).

Discipline Cultural Anthropology, Southeast Asian Area Studies

Study Area Malaysia, Indonesia

Research Themes

-International labor migration from Indonesia to Malaysia

Maintenance of Communities and Boundaries, including Immigrants

-Dynamics of Language and Identity in Ethnic Minority Groups


Livelihood activities conducted with Indonesian migrants (March 2017, photo by Yumi Kato)

A word about borders (boundary)

In Borneo, Malaysia, there are a significant number of individuals who come from Indonesia to work as laborers and eventually settle down, forming families in Malaysia. In societies that host migrants, what situations lead to the emergence of borders? Borders can exist in the same reality for someone, while remaining invisible to others. Moreover, even with the same context, borders may appear in some situations and not in others. Whose perspective determines when and under what circumstances borders become apparent or remain unseen? I would like to explore how the manifestation of borders influences connections between people, as well as the formation of communities.

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